
The AlienGo robot stands tall as A1’s big brother, promising even more capabilities and exciting opportunities for exploration, research, and education.

A Powerful Learning Experience:

Stokes Robotics recognizes the importance of education in shaping the innovators of tomorrow. With the AlienGo, they have taken a step further to ensure that the next generation of minds can harness the potential of robotics. Our education package comes complete with the Stokes Education curriculum, a comprehensive resource that empowers students to work with community partners and address real-world challenges using the robot.

This approach bridges the gap between theory and practice, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and collaboration. By integrating robotics into the educational journey, Stokes Robotics empowers students to become forward-thinkers and creative problem solvers, positively impacting their communities and the world at large.

Exploration, Navigation, and Mapping Redefined:

The AlienGo robot takes real-time exploration, navigation, and mapping to a new level. Designed to excel in professional and industrial environments, the robot’s capabilities extend far beyond. Whether it’s research or teaching, the AlienGo is a versatile tool with applications in diverse fields.

The AlienGo has autonomous navigation, surveillance, and exploration abilities, making it well-suited for even the most challenging environments. Opening exciting possibilities for applications in various fields, from search and rescue missions to data collection in rugged terrains.

Features That Set AlienGo Apart:

  1. Size and Payload: Twice the size of its sibling, the AlienGo robot boasts an impressive payload capacity of over 20 lbs, making it suitable for carrying heavy equipment and performing complex tasks.
  2. Skeleton and Gesture Recognition: The robot’s advanced sensor suite includes skeleton and gesture recognition, allowing for seamless human-robot interaction and intuitive control.
  3. Depth Vision and 3D Environment Construction: Equipped with depth vision capabilities, the AlienGo robot constructs a comprehensive 3D map of its surroundings, enabling precise navigation and enhanced situational awareness.
  4. Visual SLAM and Loop Detection: Utilizing Visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), the robot leverages its 3D vision to perform accurate location and mapping functions. Loop detection further enhances its navigational capabilities, enabling it to retrace paths without losing its way.
  5. Probability Map and Dynamic Object Perception: The AlienGo’s probability map enhances its decision-making capabilities, allowing it to assess and anticipate potential obstacles and plan its route accordingly. Dynamic object perception enables the robot to recognize and respond to environmental changes, ensuring safety and efficiency.

Stokes Robotics’ AlienGo robots exemplify the limitless possibilities that robotics brings to our world. From education to exploration, these robots are empowering today’s minds to shape tomorrow’s technology.

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